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Achaekek, the Mantis God, exists to eradicate those who  would usurp the gods’ divinity. The god of assassins is a  deadly hunter who strikes his targets unerringly, regardless  of their strength or status. Some of the gods disapprove of Achaekek’s  amoral methods, but none have ever directly opposed the Mantis God.
He Who Walks in Blood
God of assassins, divine punishment, and the Red Mantis

Alignment: LE
It is said that Achaekek alone can meddle in mortal affairs—but that  may simply be a horror story other religions spread to keep their own  faithful in check. In truth, no one knows whether Achaekek personally  acts against mortals. Few, however, dare to test the old tales’ veracity, for doing so might call down the Mantis God’s bloody wrath.<ref name=achaekek">Campaign Setting - (PZO9290) Inner Sea Faiths</ref>
Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon: sawtooth sabre
Centers of Worship: Ilizmagorti
Nationality: monster

Achaekek (uh-CHAY-kek) was created to eradicate those who would steal the gods' divinity, a deadly hunter who strikes his targets unerringly, regardless of their strength. Despite some disapproval over his amoral methods, none of the gods have ever chosen to directly oppose him.

The Mantis God himself does not actively seek worshipers, but the infamous assassins known as the Red Mantis pay him devotion nonetheless, seeing assassination as a sacred rite.

While the Red Mantis refuse to strike at rightful monarchs, who they believe have been seated by the will of the gods, all others are fair game. Achaekek's faith also attracts other mortals who kill for coin, such as brigands, murderers, and those who dwell on the fringes of society. Some hope to join the Red Mantis someday, proving themselves and their devotion through their daring kills, while others found their own assassins' guilds or kill cults. While they don't demand gold for defending themselves or their allies, Achaekek's faithful believe that an assassin deserves compensation for her services in recognition of her skills, and consider it an insult to be asked or told to kill someone without recompense.
God of assassins, divine punishment, and the Red Mantis

The center of Achaekek's cult is Mediogalti Island, the home of the Red Mantis assassins. Splinter cults of the Mantis God lurk throughout Golarion, often in the ruins of fallen palaces or the homes of deposed royals. They are most common near the capital cities of nations ruled by monarchies and holy cities where prophets might attract a measure of their own worship. Most of Achaekek's worshipers are content to pray at secret shrines, which are usually just alcoves marked with the god's symbol that hold trophies and broken emblems of rule taken from slain targets.
'''Alignment''' LE 

Although Achaekek's Red Mantis assassins employ distinctive armor and weapons, those assassins consider such trappings exclusively theirs and kill anyone found wearing them without permission. As a result, other servants of Achaekek typically wear red and utilize sawtooth sabers, but avoid mimicking their deity's mantis-like appearance.
'''Domains''' Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, War

Clerics of Achaekek may prepare keen senses and negate aroma as 1st-level spells and spider climb as a 2nd-level spell. Druids may prepare murderous command as a 1stlevel spell.  
''' Subdomains '''Blood, Deception, Devil, Murder, Tactics,  Thievery
''' Favored Weapon''' sawtooth sabre 
'''Centers of Worship''' Ilizmagorti 
'''Nationality '''monster 
'''Obedience '''Meditate in a private place  before a trophy or broken religious  symbol taken from a target you have  been contracted to kill. This trophy  must be anointed with a single drop  of your blood, drawn from your flesh  by a sawtooth sabre, and the trophy  must be destroyed at the end of your  meditation. If you have yet to complete  a contract, have no appropriate  trophies at hand, or seek to serve the  Mantis God in other ways than as the  god’s assassin, you must instead offer  your own vital fluid to He Who Walks  in Blood by cutting yourself along  the right arm with a sawtooth sabre.
Such self-mutilation deals 1d6 points  of damage to you, which cannot be  healed during the hour of meditation  without disrupting the obedience; after  the meditation ends, the wounds can be healed by any  means available. You gain a +2 profane bonus to confirm  critical hits while wielding a sawtooth sabre. As long as  you have a sawtooth sabre in each hand, you can use  those blades to complete the somatic component of any  spell you cast, and you treat sawtooth sabres as your  divine focus for the casting of divine spells.<ref name=achaekek" />
'''1: Blessing of the Mantis (Sp) '''disguise self 3/day,  invisibility 2/day, or gaseous form 1/day 
'''2: Walk Unseen (Su)''' He Who Walks in Blood cloaks your  steps, ensuring that you can move clandestinely during  your hunts. You are constantly under the effects of a  pass without trace spell, unless you wish to be followed.
You also gain a +2 profane bonus on Stealth checks.
'''3: Second Face (Su)''' Your deadly equipment is sacred to you.
As long as you carry a mask of the mantis (Pathfinder  Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 298)  on your person (even if you do so by carrying it in an  extradimensional space), you can instantly don it as a  free action or as part of an attack of opportunity. While  you wear a mask of the mantis, you can attempt to  demoralize a creature within 30 feet using Intimidate as a  swift action. You no longer need to expend charges from  a mask of the mantis to gain the effect of deathwatch,  although you must expend charges as normal to use the  mask’s other effects.
'''1: Crimson Decree (Sp)''' doom 3/day, death knell 2/day, or  blood biographyAPG 1/day 
'''2: Blood Scent (Sp)''' To your heightened  olfactory senses, the acrid scent of blood is  as pleasing and distinctive as the sweetest  perfume. Three times per day, you can cast  blood scent (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race  Guide 143) on yourself as a spell-like ability.
This ability does not grant the spell’s bonus on  attack and damage rolls, even if you are an orc  or have a rage ability.
'''3: Focused Assassin (Su)''' Your combat  skills are just as deadly when you have an  assassination target as when you don’t.
When you perform your obedience for the  day, if you are not contracted to kill a target,  you can name a single target. You need not  know the exact name of your target, but you  must know a suitably detailed and correct  description, such as “the thieves’ guild’s  second in command.” Against that target,  you gain a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls  and weapon damage rolls, and you deal an  additional 2d6 points of damage. The save  DCs of any spells you cast on the target  increase by 2. If you are contracted to kill a  target, these bonuses apply against that target; if you  are contracted to kill multiple targets, you must choose  one target against whom these bonuses apply when you  perform your obedience.
'''1: Blood Must Flow (Sp)''' lead bladesAPG 3/day, spiritual  weapon 2/day, or keen edge 1/day 
'''2: Bleeding Wounds (Ex) '''All wounds you inflict with a  sawtooth sabre are bleeding wounds, and deal 1d4  points of bleed damage to the target. If you deal bleed  damage via another source (such as the bleeding attack  rogue talent or by using a wounding sawtooth sabre),  this ability does not deal additional bleed damage. You  can also use bleed as a quickened spell-like ability three  times per day.
'''3: Mantis Style Mastery (Ex) '''You take no penalties on  attack rolls from two-weapon fighting when wielding  two sawtooth sabres simultaneously, and you gain a +2  profane bonus on all damage rolls with sawtooth sabres.
If you deal sneak attack damage with a sawtooth sabre,  you deal 2 additional points of damage for each die rolled  as part of your sneak attack damage. If you have levels  in the Red Mantis assassin prestige class (The Inner Sea  World Guide 282), the DC for the save against your prayer  attack increases by 2.<ref name=achaekek" />
Many theologians, including those who worship the  Mantis God, agree that another god, or perhaps a group  of them, created Achaekek—yet who exactly is responsible  for his genesis is unclear. Certainly, the churches of  Asmodeus, Calistria, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Rovagug, and  Zon-Kuthon have compelling arguments that point to  their patrons as the source of the Mantis God. Even the  faiths of Norgorber and Gorum have legends that He Who  Walks in Blood was born of their deities, despite legends  of Achaekek originating far before either of them came to  be. The most cogent belief may well be the one that the  church of Achaekek espouses: that the creator of their god  is long dead, murdered by the Mantis God for daring to  create something so monstrous as himself.
Although known to his worshipers as He Who Walks  in Blood, and commonly attributed by the faithful to be  a masculine entity, Achaekek exists beyond conceits of  gender, race, or politics. This means his followers come  from enormously diverse backgrounds—united only in  their common exaltation of the act of murder.
In art, Achaekek is universally depicted as a towering  crimson mantis with four killing arms and a savage  spike at the end of his long, slender abdomen. His eyes  are endless pools of night, and he leaves a trail of blood  wherever he walks, said to be from those countless  victims the god and his cult have slaughtered over the  eons. Achaekek is said to possess the power to rend reality  itself in order to instantly travel to any time or plane to  carry out missions of murder.<ref name=achaekek" />
Achaekek does not actively seek worshipers, but as  long as faith has existed, there have been those who see  much to venerate and fear in the Mantis God’s actions.
His only actively organized church on Golarion serves a  dual role: the Red Mantis assassins are as much his holy  servants as they are the most-feared guild of assassins in  the Inner Sea region. Just as Achaekek does not directly  strike against the gods, so do the Red Mantis assassins  avoid contracts on the leaders of the mortal realm, seeing  rightfully appointed monarchs as divinely appointed. All  others are fair game.
The church of Achaekek, and thus the Red Mantis  assassins’ blades, are responsible for many famous  slayings over the years. The deaths of those who aspired  to divinity are perhaps the most well known, such as  Arrogant Marsis, said to have been the most beautiful  man in the world during the early years of the Age of  Enthronement, or Yazanova, the murderous queen of the  Tusk Mountains who sought to become the Goddess of  the North. Yet the Red Mantis assassins were not always  eager for such fame.
Achaekek’s cult worked in secret for centuries in their  homeland of Rahadoum. But in 2559 ar, on the eve of  when the Laws of Man were to be enacted, the priestess  Ximena received a vision from Achaekek. She led the  Red Mantis to flee the Rahadoumi religious persecution,  though the cultists were forced to give up most of their  wealth in the flight. From that point on, necessity forced  the Red Mantis to operate more openly, for the funds to  remain hidden no longer existed. After centuries of piracy,  the Red Mantis built up enough wealth to construct a city  on Mediogalti Island; however, they did not wholly return  to their secret ways. Today, their assassinations may be  plotted in the shadows, but the results are left for all to  see and fear.
Being home to the Red Mantis, Mediogalti Island is the  center of Achaekek’s organized worship. The cult is led  by a group of deadly assassins known collectively as the  Vernai, or “High Killers.” Traditionally, there are 13 Vernai,  mostly women; there are no restrictions against men in  positions of power, but it is exceptionally unusual for a  man to achieve the rank of Vernai.
The Vernai oversee all Red Mantis operations,  approving every contract and organizing reprisals against  traitors as needed, while simultaneously ruling the  city of Ilizmagorti and managing its affairs. The Vernai  themselves are ruled by one woman, the Blood Mistress,  who is considered the ultimate authority on Achaekek’s  will. This role is for life, and has never been held by a  man. The current leader is Blood Mistress Jakalyn, an  ageless and passionate killer who supposedly has ruled  the church and Mediogalti Island alike since the time of  Aroden’s death.<ref name=achaekek" />
Most of Achaekek’s worshipers are content to pray at  secret shrines or improvised altars; these are often little more than alcoves marked with the god’s symbol, or small  structures housing trophies and broken emblems of faith  taken from slain targets.
Not all of Achaekek’s places of worship are so fleeting.
In cruel societies, or nations where other lawful evil  religions hold great power, smaller shrines exist openly,  doubling as places the desperate or vengeful can go to  contract assassinations. Achaekek’s faithful have arranged  special permissions to operate in such a manner in  Geb and Nidal. In other nations, such as Katapesh or  the River Kingdoms, shrines to the god of assassins are  usually hidden in plain sight under the cover of other  operations, even where no strict law against the church’s  operation exists. The cult is not well tolerated in Cheliax,  for the Red Mantis’s support of piracy along the western  coast of Garund has long vexed House Thrune, but the  church nonetheless maintains numerous secret temples  throughout Cheliax.
The church’s greatest temples are found on Mediogalti  Island. In Ilizmagorti, the grand Pagoda of the Mantis  stands proudly as one of the cult’s cornerstones of  worship, but the infamous Crimson Citadel, located deep  in the isle’s jungle interior, serves as the true house of  power for the Red Mantis. The heart of the god’s faith and  the home of the Vernai, the Crimson Citadel is rumored  to contain a mortal paradise, a collection of all the  weapons and traps humanity has ever devised, the largest  library in the Inner Sea region, and the deepest dungeons  human hands have ever carved.<ref name=achaekek" />
While clerics of Achaekek certainly exist, many of the  Mantis God’s priests are not divine spellcasters. In order  to progress above the rank of acolyte in the church, a  non-divine spellcaster must prove her devotion by taking  at least 1 level in the Red Mantis assassin prestige class  (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 282).
A priest of Achaekek who lives on Mediogalti Island is  expected to perform some sort of public duty to protect  or enhance the city, be it as a city guard, an architect, an  artist who devotes her talents to the beautification of  public works, or otherwise.
All priests of Achaekek are expected to serve as  assassins should they have the opportunity to do so,  regardless of their actual skills. As a result, most priests  of Achaekek take either levels in the Red Mantis  assassin prestige class or levels in another class that  provides proficiency in such murderous pursuits  (such as ranger, rogue, slayer, or the sentinel prestige  class from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods).
Strangely, those who worship the Mantis God  rarely take levels in the standard assassin  prestige class—the church doesn’t strictly  forbid such a choice, but it is looked down upon  by most worshipers and usually marks someone who came  to worship Achaekek later in life. Worshipers of Achaekek  never ask for coin to defend or avenge themselves or  their allies, but they believe fervently that assassins who  kill for reasons divorced from personal interest deserve  compensation for their services in recognition of their  skills, and consider it an insult to be asked or told to kill  someone without proper recompense.
Clerics of Achaekek can prepare keen sensesAPG and negate aromaAPG as 1st-level spells and spider climb as a 2ndlevel  spell. Druids can prepare murderous commandUM as a 1st-level spell.<ref name=achaekek" />
While the sawtooth sabre is not an uncommon weapon  among adventuring and mercenary companies, the  participation of an actual worshiper of Achaekek in  such a group is rare. Most of those who join such  groups generally do so for personal reasons, and they  tend to keep those reasons—and often their true faith—private. A worshiper of Achaekek, despite  her adoration of murder and skill at killing, will never  knowingly betray her adventuring companions. To do so  is to invite the most terrible punishment in the afterlife,  akin to that earned by slaying a rightful monarch.
Of special note are the rare heretics of Achaekek. These  strange few worship Achaekek, but have openly disavowed  the Red Mantis assassin guild, believing the assassins to  have used the Mantis God to bolster their own mystique  and reputation rather than advance the god’s interests.
The Vernai view these heretics as among the greatest of  the church’s enemies; however, the fact that Achaekek still  grants magic to these unorthodox clerics implies there  may be a kernel of truth to their beliefs.
These believers lead quiet lives and abandon the  classic dress of the cult, yet continue to train with  sawtooth sabres as they work to kill those who they  believe deserve death. The heretics rarely accept payment  for their deeds, believing that their actions keep fate  on its proper course. These beliefs are not so different  from those who worship Norgorber as Father Skinsaw.
However, openly commenting on this similarity draws  swift punishment from heretical Red Mantis worshipers  and Skinsaw cultists alike. Neither group admits any  connection between their faiths, and in cases where they  encounter one another, death is sure to follow.<ref name=achaekek" />
Achaekek’s Red Mantis assassins employ distinctive  armor and weapons. While their striking black-andcrimson  leather armor of choice, when matched with  their fearsome mantis masks, makes them unmistakable,  it is the cult’s signature weapon, the sawtooth sabre, that  evokes the most fear. Even those who are unfamiliar with  the ways of the Red Mantis find it difficult to mistake the  curved, serrated blade of such a sabre for anything other  than an instrument of swift death.
The assassins brutally hunt down any other than  their own who wears the holy armor and mask of a Red  Mantis assassin, but Achaekek’s worshipers place no such  bounties on those who train and master the use of the  sawtooth sabre. This is perhaps because the wider these  blades spread and the more they are associated with pain  and death, the more notorious they become.
Rules for sawtooth sabres and the mask of the mantis  can be found on pages 291 and 298 of Pathfinder Campaign  Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide, respectively.<ref name=achaekek" />
Few modern religious texts make much mention of  Achaekek, almost as if today’s faiths have agreed to  remain silent on the matter. Ancient texts, such as the  mysterious Book of Maan and the Path of Ways, speak of  Achaekek as a slayer of gods, yet the church currently  holds that Achaekek slays no deities, and does not  possess the ability to do so. Whether these ancient tomes  speak of a time when the Mantis God may have served a  different role is impossible to say, as no copies of them  are known to have survived the intervening ages. If  holy texts dedicated to Achaekek exist, they likely  reside in the Crimson Citadel’s mysterious Sarzari  Library, to which only the Red Mantis’s Blood  Mistress has access. However, no copies of such  books have ever been read outside of the cult, and  the truth about their existence—and what secrets  they contain—remain rumors to this day.<ref name=achaekek" />
Curiously, Achaekek’s faithful hold no particular holidays  or festivals as sacred. The induction of a new member  into the Red Mantis is always a time for prayer,  devotion, and revelry, and the successful completion  of any contract is a time to give thanks to He Who  Walks in Blood, but these events can take place anywhere at any time. Often, public holidays are selected as times  to strike against those who have been marked for death,  but this is done more for theatrics than because of any  religious significance.<ref name=achaekek" />
''Achaekek’s first  victim was His  creator. For the gift  of saving us from  this evil, all who live  owe their lives to  Him, and in time,  He will come to  collect from us all.
—Anonymous  <ref name=achaekek" /> ''
Despite their focus on murder, Achaekek’s worshipers  follow ideals that, ironically, many would hold to be  honorable and just.
'''Do Not Discriminate Against the Living, For in Death  We Are All Equal:''' None shall be turned away from the  faith on the basis of their gender, race, or politics, nor shall  vengeance be sought for the same reasons, for death will  visit all mortals and be the final arbiter. This belief may  well be the one tenet of the faith that has stayed the Red  Mantis’s vengeful hands against Rahadoum, although the  Red Mantis certainly do not ignore that land altogether.
'''Honor the Gods, For They Honored Us All with This  World:''' The gods created this world, and they grant those  who serve well in life boons in the Great Beyond. Speak  not ill of the gods, and do not deny their power, for to do  so is to mock and deny reality itself.
'''Let Death Be Final, For We Are Not the Keepers  of Graves:''' One who dies should not be resurrected,  particularly if her death occurs in the pursuit of the  church’s beliefs or as the result of a contract on the  deceased’s life. A worshiper of Achaekek rarely agrees to  return to life if given the chance, and the god’s worshipers  generally do not perform spells such as resurrection, save in  cases where not doing so causes a greater inconvenience  or peril to the faith.<ref name=achaekek" />
Achaekek does not turn his claws against his divine sisters  and brothers, and while many of the gods have engaged his  assassination services, Achaekek keeps no relations with  other deities. In Ilizmagorti, Besmara’s faith is allowed,  but largely as a concession to the city’s dependency on  piracy for support. Norgorber’s faith is also allowed in the  city, so long as those who venerate him as Father Skinsaw  do not set foot on the isle—Achaekek does not tolerate  this sect of the King of Thieves. The church respects the  followers of Mephistopheles for his power over contracts,  the value of which all assassins understand. Achaekek’s  faithful also respect Nocticula’s followers, as they are the  only assassins whose techniques the Red Mantis believe  might rival their own in effectiveness. The Red Mantis  lament, however, that these assassins are more of a cabal  of talented lone wolves than an organized group.
Worshipers of Achaekek have prospered by avoiding  aggression toward other religions—except toward Father  Skinsaw’s followers. While other good and lawful faiths  might not approve of the methods the Red Mantis use,  the church of Achaekek has always managed to remain  less of a target of crusades than many other religions.
Cynics whisper that even the gods of law and good, at  times, have need of a slayer to handle the jobs that their  own codes and morals won’t allow, and that these deities  instruct their churches to stay out of Red Mantis affairs  on the off chance that the services of He Who Walks in  Blood may be required in the future.
The only other significant relationship held by the  cult of the Red Mantis is not with a religion, but with a  philosophy. Achaekek’s faithful still resent the exiling of  their church from Rahadoum by the rise of the Laws of  Man, and view that nation with a slow-burning anger. They  have neither forgotten nor forgiven the ancient wrongs  Rahadoum perpetrated upon them, and continue to watch  and wait from Mediogalti Island. For now, the assassins  seem content to take only actions involving observation  and subtle meddling in trade and sea travel, yet whispers  grow among those who worship the Mantis God that a  reckoning may yet descend upon the so-called “Kingdom  of Man.” If these murmurs are to be believed, the entire  nation of Rahadoum may one day be bathed in blood.<ref name=achaekek" />
Achaekek is said to spend much of his time slumbering  in the Outer Rifts, bathed in the blood of heretics and  worshipers alike. This region is known only as the Blood  Vale, a cavern filled with a crimson jungle and interlaced  with a network of bloody rivers and swamps. It is said that  the River of Souls brushes near to the Blood Vale, which  opens from the Great Beyond at the base of the spire that  forms Pharasma’s Boneyard; from this vantage point, the  Mantis God can watch as those slain in his name travel on  to be judged. The Blood Vale is not part of Hell, Abaddon,  or the Abyss, though rents in its razor-edged walls open  into all three of these planes, providing shortcuts to those  realms for those who visit the Vale. Achaekek also keeps  dens on other planes, including in Hell’s Avernus, and  cracks in these dens are believed to allow the god to travel  freely between them.<ref name=achaekek" />
As a deity granted special dispensation to work his will  on the Material Plane, Achaekek does not keep many  particular allies or favored minions, although his herald,  Zyrruthys, is known to often speak for the god.
'''Zyrruthys (herald of Achaekek'''): Zyrruthys is a highly  intelligent, enormous mantis, a crimson monstrosity  often mistaken for Achaekek when he appears to wreak  havoc on infidels. Zyrruthys particularly enjoys the  destruction of villages or towns where large numbers  of people have blasphemed or simply disrespected the  Mantis God, and never asks for additional payment to  perform such tasks, whether summoned by the faithful or  dispatched by Achaekek.<ref name=achaekek" />


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Version du 16 juillet 2017 à 11:28

Achaekek, the Mantis God, exists to eradicate those who would usurp the gods’ divinity. The god of assassins is a deadly hunter who strikes his targets unerringly, regardless of their strength or status. Some of the gods disapprove of Achaekek’s amoral methods, but none have ever directly opposed the Mantis God.

It is said that Achaekek alone can meddle in mortal affairs—but that may simply be a horror story other religions spread to keep their own faithful in check. In truth, no one knows whether Achaekek personally acts against mortals. Few, however, dare to test the old tales’ veracity, for doing so might call down the Mantis God’s bloody wrath.[1]


God of assassins, divine punishment, and the Red Mantis

Alignment LE

Domains Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, War

Subdomains Blood, Deception, Devil, Murder, Tactics, Thievery

Favored Weapon sawtooth sabre

Centers of Worship Ilizmagorti

Nationality monster

Obedience Meditate in a private place before a trophy or broken religious symbol taken from a target you have been contracted to kill. This trophy must be anointed with a single drop of your blood, drawn from your flesh by a sawtooth sabre, and the trophy must be destroyed at the end of your meditation. If you have yet to complete a contract, have no appropriate trophies at hand, or seek to serve the Mantis God in other ways than as the god’s assassin, you must instead offer your own vital fluid to He Who Walks in Blood by cutting yourself along the right arm with a sawtooth sabre.

Such self-mutilation deals 1d6 points of damage to you, which cannot be healed during the hour of meditation without disrupting the obedience; after the meditation ends, the wounds can be healed by any means available. You gain a +2 profane bonus to confirm critical hits while wielding a sawtooth sabre. As long as you have a sawtooth sabre in each hand, you can use those blades to complete the somatic component of any spell you cast, and you treat sawtooth sabres as your divine focus for the casting of divine spells.[1]


1: Blessing of the Mantis (Sp) disguise self 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or gaseous form 1/day

2: Walk Unseen (Su) He Who Walks in Blood cloaks your steps, ensuring that you can move clandestinely during your hunts. You are constantly under the effects of a pass without trace spell, unless you wish to be followed.

You also gain a +2 profane bonus on Stealth checks.

3: Second Face (Su) Your deadly equipment is sacred to you.

As long as you carry a mask of the mantis (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 298) on your person (even if you do so by carrying it in an extradimensional space), you can instantly don it as a free action or as part of an attack of opportunity. While you wear a mask of the mantis, you can attempt to demoralize a creature within 30 feet using Intimidate as a swift action. You no longer need to expend charges from a mask of the mantis to gain the effect of deathwatch, although you must expend charges as normal to use the mask’s other effects.


1: Crimson Decree (Sp) doom 3/day, death knell 2/day, or blood biographyAPG 1/day

2: Blood Scent (Sp) To your heightened olfactory senses, the acrid scent of blood is as pleasing and distinctive as the sweetest perfume. Three times per day, you can cast blood scent (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 143) on yourself as a spell-like ability.

This ability does not grant the spell’s bonus on attack and damage rolls, even if you are an orc or have a rage ability.

3: Focused Assassin (Su) Your combat skills are just as deadly when you have an assassination target as when you don’t.

When you perform your obedience for the day, if you are not contracted to kill a target, you can name a single target. You need not know the exact name of your target, but you must know a suitably detailed and correct description, such as “the thieves’ guild’s second in command.” Against that target, you gain a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls, and you deal an additional 2d6 points of damage. The save DCs of any spells you cast on the target increase by 2. If you are contracted to kill a target, these bonuses apply against that target; if you are contracted to kill multiple targets, you must choose one target against whom these bonuses apply when you perform your obedience.


1: Blood Must Flow (Sp) lead bladesAPG 3/day, spiritual weapon 2/day, or keen edge 1/day

2: Bleeding Wounds (Ex) All wounds you inflict with a sawtooth sabre are bleeding wounds, and deal 1d4 points of bleed damage to the target. If you deal bleed damage via another source (such as the bleeding attack rogue talent or by using a wounding sawtooth sabre), this ability does not deal additional bleed damage. You can also use bleed as a quickened spell-like ability three times per day.

3: Mantis Style Mastery (Ex) You take no penalties on attack rolls from two-weapon fighting when wielding two sawtooth sabres simultaneously, and you gain a +2 profane bonus on all damage rolls with sawtooth sabres.

If you deal sneak attack damage with a sawtooth sabre, you deal 2 additional points of damage for each die rolled as part of your sneak attack damage. If you have levels in the Red Mantis assassin prestige class (The Inner Sea World Guide 282), the DC for the save against your prayer attack increases by 2.[1]


Many theologians, including those who worship the Mantis God, agree that another god, or perhaps a group of them, created Achaekek—yet who exactly is responsible for his genesis is unclear. Certainly, the churches of Asmodeus, Calistria, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Rovagug, and Zon-Kuthon have compelling arguments that point to their patrons as the source of the Mantis God. Even the faiths of Norgorber and Gorum have legends that He Who Walks in Blood was born of their deities, despite legends of Achaekek originating far before either of them came to be. The most cogent belief may well be the one that the church of Achaekek espouses: that the creator of their god is long dead, murdered by the Mantis God for daring to create something so monstrous as himself.

Although known to his worshipers as He Who Walks in Blood, and commonly attributed by the faithful to be a masculine entity, Achaekek exists beyond conceits of gender, race, or politics. This means his followers come from enormously diverse backgrounds—united only in their common exaltation of the act of murder.

In art, Achaekek is universally depicted as a towering crimson mantis with four killing arms and a savage spike at the end of his long, slender abdomen. His eyes are endless pools of night, and he leaves a trail of blood wherever he walks, said to be from those countless victims the god and his cult have slaughtered over the eons. Achaekek is said to possess the power to rend reality itself in order to instantly travel to any time or plane to carry out missions of murder.[1]


Achaekek does not actively seek worshipers, but as long as faith has existed, there have been those who see much to venerate and fear in the Mantis God’s actions.

His only actively organized church on Golarion serves a dual role: the Red Mantis assassins are as much his holy servants as they are the most-feared guild of assassins in the Inner Sea region. Just as Achaekek does not directly strike against the gods, so do the Red Mantis assassins avoid contracts on the leaders of the mortal realm, seeing rightfully appointed monarchs as divinely appointed. All others are fair game.

The church of Achaekek, and thus the Red Mantis assassins’ blades, are responsible for many famous slayings over the years. The deaths of those who aspired to divinity are perhaps the most well known, such as Arrogant Marsis, said to have been the most beautiful man in the world during the early years of the Age of Enthronement, or Yazanova, the murderous queen of the Tusk Mountains who sought to become the Goddess of the North. Yet the Red Mantis assassins were not always eager for such fame.

Achaekek’s cult worked in secret for centuries in their homeland of Rahadoum. But in 2559 ar, on the eve of when the Laws of Man were to be enacted, the priestess Ximena received a vision from Achaekek. She led the Red Mantis to flee the Rahadoumi religious persecution, though the cultists were forced to give up most of their wealth in the flight. From that point on, necessity forced the Red Mantis to operate more openly, for the funds to remain hidden no longer existed. After centuries of piracy, the Red Mantis built up enough wealth to construct a city on Mediogalti Island; however, they did not wholly return to their secret ways. Today, their assassinations may be plotted in the shadows, but the results are left for all to see and fear.

Being home to the Red Mantis, Mediogalti Island is the center of Achaekek’s organized worship. The cult is led by a group of deadly assassins known collectively as the Vernai, or “High Killers.” Traditionally, there are 13 Vernai, mostly women; there are no restrictions against men in positions of power, but it is exceptionally unusual for a man to achieve the rank of Vernai.

The Vernai oversee all Red Mantis operations, approving every contract and organizing reprisals against traitors as needed, while simultaneously ruling the city of Ilizmagorti and managing its affairs. The Vernai themselves are ruled by one woman, the Blood Mistress, who is considered the ultimate authority on Achaekek’s will. This role is for life, and has never been held by a man. The current leader is Blood Mistress Jakalyn, an ageless and passionate killer who supposedly has ruled the church and Mediogalti Island alike since the time of Aroden’s death.[1]


Most of Achaekek’s worshipers are content to pray at secret shrines or improvised altars; these are often little more than alcoves marked with the god’s symbol, or small structures housing trophies and broken emblems of faith taken from slain targets.

Not all of Achaekek’s places of worship are so fleeting.

In cruel societies, or nations where other lawful evil religions hold great power, smaller shrines exist openly, doubling as places the desperate or vengeful can go to contract assassinations. Achaekek’s faithful have arranged special permissions to operate in such a manner in Geb and Nidal. In other nations, such as Katapesh or the River Kingdoms, shrines to the god of assassins are usually hidden in plain sight under the cover of other operations, even where no strict law against the church’s operation exists. The cult is not well tolerated in Cheliax, for the Red Mantis’s support of piracy along the western coast of Garund has long vexed House Thrune, but the church nonetheless maintains numerous secret temples throughout Cheliax.

The church’s greatest temples are found on Mediogalti Island. In Ilizmagorti, the grand Pagoda of the Mantis stands proudly as one of the cult’s cornerstones of worship, but the infamous Crimson Citadel, located deep in the isle’s jungle interior, serves as the true house of power for the Red Mantis. The heart of the god’s faith and the home of the Vernai, the Crimson Citadel is rumored to contain a mortal paradise, a collection of all the weapons and traps humanity has ever devised, the largest library in the Inner Sea region, and the deepest dungeons human hands have ever carved.[1]


While clerics of Achaekek certainly exist, many of the Mantis God’s priests are not divine spellcasters. In order to progress above the rank of acolyte in the church, a non-divine spellcaster must prove her devotion by taking at least 1 level in the Red Mantis assassin prestige class (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide 282).

A priest of Achaekek who lives on Mediogalti Island is expected to perform some sort of public duty to protect or enhance the city, be it as a city guard, an architect, an artist who devotes her talents to the beautification of public works, or otherwise.

All priests of Achaekek are expected to serve as assassins should they have the opportunity to do so, regardless of their actual skills. As a result, most priests of Achaekek take either levels in the Red Mantis assassin prestige class or levels in another class that provides proficiency in such murderous pursuits (such as ranger, rogue, slayer, or the sentinel prestige class from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods).

Strangely, those who worship the Mantis God rarely take levels in the standard assassin prestige class—the church doesn’t strictly forbid such a choice, but it is looked down upon by most worshipers and usually marks someone who came to worship Achaekek later in life. Worshipers of Achaekek never ask for coin to defend or avenge themselves or their allies, but they believe fervently that assassins who kill for reasons divorced from personal interest deserve compensation for their services in recognition of their skills, and consider it an insult to be asked or told to kill someone without proper recompense.

Clerics of Achaekek can prepare keen sensesAPG and negate aromaAPG as 1st-level spells and spider climb as a 2ndlevel spell. Druids can prepare murderous commandUM as a 1st-level spell.[1]


While the sawtooth sabre is not an uncommon weapon among adventuring and mercenary companies, the participation of an actual worshiper of Achaekek in such a group is rare. Most of those who join such groups generally do so for personal reasons, and they tend to keep those reasons—and often their true faith—private. A worshiper of Achaekek, despite her adoration of murder and skill at killing, will never knowingly betray her adventuring companions. To do so is to invite the most terrible punishment in the afterlife, akin to that earned by slaying a rightful monarch.

Of special note are the rare heretics of Achaekek. These strange few worship Achaekek, but have openly disavowed the Red Mantis assassin guild, believing the assassins to have used the Mantis God to bolster their own mystique and reputation rather than advance the god’s interests.

The Vernai view these heretics as among the greatest of the church’s enemies; however, the fact that Achaekek still grants magic to these unorthodox clerics implies there may be a kernel of truth to their beliefs.

These believers lead quiet lives and abandon the classic dress of the cult, yet continue to train with sawtooth sabres as they work to kill those who they believe deserve death. The heretics rarely accept payment for their deeds, believing that their actions keep fate on its proper course. These beliefs are not so different from those who worship Norgorber as Father Skinsaw.

However, openly commenting on this similarity draws swift punishment from heretical Red Mantis worshipers and Skinsaw cultists alike. Neither group admits any connection between their faiths, and in cases where they encounter one another, death is sure to follow.[1]


Achaekek’s Red Mantis assassins employ distinctive armor and weapons. While their striking black-andcrimson leather armor of choice, when matched with their fearsome mantis masks, makes them unmistakable, it is the cult’s signature weapon, the sawtooth sabre, that evokes the most fear. Even those who are unfamiliar with the ways of the Red Mantis find it difficult to mistake the curved, serrated blade of such a sabre for anything other than an instrument of swift death.

The assassins brutally hunt down any other than their own who wears the holy armor and mask of a Red Mantis assassin, but Achaekek’s worshipers place no such bounties on those who train and master the use of the sawtooth sabre. This is perhaps because the wider these blades spread and the more they are associated with pain and death, the more notorious they become.

Rules for sawtooth sabres and the mask of the mantis can be found on pages 291 and 298 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide, respectively.[1]


Few modern religious texts make much mention of Achaekek, almost as if today’s faiths have agreed to remain silent on the matter. Ancient texts, such as the mysterious Book of Maan and the Path of Ways, speak of Achaekek as a slayer of gods, yet the church currently holds that Achaekek slays no deities, and does not possess the ability to do so. Whether these ancient tomes speak of a time when the Mantis God may have served a different role is impossible to say, as no copies of them are known to have survived the intervening ages. If holy texts dedicated to Achaekek exist, they likely reside in the Crimson Citadel’s mysterious Sarzari Library, to which only the Red Mantis’s Blood Mistress has access. However, no copies of such books have ever been read outside of the cult, and the truth about their existence—and what secrets they contain—remain rumors to this day.[1]


Curiously, Achaekek’s faithful hold no particular holidays or festivals as sacred. The induction of a new member into the Red Mantis is always a time for prayer, devotion, and revelry, and the successful completion of any contract is a time to give thanks to He Who Walks in Blood, but these events can take place anywhere at any time. Often, public holidays are selected as times to strike against those who have been marked for death, but this is done more for theatrics than because of any religious significance.[1]


Achaekek’s first victim was His creator. For the gift of saving us from this evil, all who live owe their lives to Him, and in time, He will come to collect from us all.

—Anonymous [1]

Despite their focus on murder, Achaekek’s worshipers follow ideals that, ironically, many would hold to be honorable and just.

Do Not Discriminate Against the Living, For in Death We Are All Equal: None shall be turned away from the faith on the basis of their gender, race, or politics, nor shall vengeance be sought for the same reasons, for death will visit all mortals and be the final arbiter. This belief may well be the one tenet of the faith that has stayed the Red Mantis’s vengeful hands against Rahadoum, although the Red Mantis certainly do not ignore that land altogether.

Honor the Gods, For They Honored Us All with This World: The gods created this world, and they grant those who serve well in life boons in the Great Beyond. Speak not ill of the gods, and do not deny their power, for to do so is to mock and deny reality itself.

Let Death Be Final, For We Are Not the Keepers of Graves: One who dies should not be resurrected, particularly if her death occurs in the pursuit of the church’s beliefs or as the result of a contract on the deceased’s life. A worshiper of Achaekek rarely agrees to return to life if given the chance, and the god’s worshipers generally do not perform spells such as resurrection, save in cases where not doing so causes a greater inconvenience or peril to the faith.[1]


Achaekek does not turn his claws against his divine sisters and brothers, and while many of the gods have engaged his assassination services, Achaekek keeps no relations with other deities. In Ilizmagorti, Besmara’s faith is allowed, but largely as a concession to the city’s dependency on piracy for support. Norgorber’s faith is also allowed in the city, so long as those who venerate him as Father Skinsaw do not set foot on the isle—Achaekek does not tolerate this sect of the King of Thieves. The church respects the followers of Mephistopheles for his power over contracts, the value of which all assassins understand. Achaekek’s faithful also respect Nocticula’s followers, as they are the only assassins whose techniques the Red Mantis believe might rival their own in effectiveness. The Red Mantis lament, however, that these assassins are more of a cabal of talented lone wolves than an organized group.

Worshipers of Achaekek have prospered by avoiding aggression toward other religions—except toward Father Skinsaw’s followers. While other good and lawful faiths might not approve of the methods the Red Mantis use, the church of Achaekek has always managed to remain less of a target of crusades than many other religions.

Cynics whisper that even the gods of law and good, at times, have need of a slayer to handle the jobs that their own codes and morals won’t allow, and that these deities instruct their churches to stay out of Red Mantis affairs on the off chance that the services of He Who Walks in Blood may be required in the future.

The only other significant relationship held by the cult of the Red Mantis is not with a religion, but with a philosophy. Achaekek’s faithful still resent the exiling of their church from Rahadoum by the rise of the Laws of Man, and view that nation with a slow-burning anger. They have neither forgotten nor forgiven the ancient wrongs Rahadoum perpetrated upon them, and continue to watch and wait from Mediogalti Island. For now, the assassins seem content to take only actions involving observation and subtle meddling in trade and sea travel, yet whispers grow among those who worship the Mantis God that a reckoning may yet descend upon the so-called “Kingdom of Man.” If these murmurs are to be believed, the entire nation of Rahadoum may one day be bathed in blood.[1]


Achaekek is said to spend much of his time slumbering in the Outer Rifts, bathed in the blood of heretics and worshipers alike. This region is known only as the Blood Vale, a cavern filled with a crimson jungle and interlaced with a network of bloody rivers and swamps. It is said that the River of Souls brushes near to the Blood Vale, which opens from the Great Beyond at the base of the spire that forms Pharasma’s Boneyard; from this vantage point, the Mantis God can watch as those slain in his name travel on to be judged. The Blood Vale is not part of Hell, Abaddon, or the Abyss, though rents in its razor-edged walls open into all three of these planes, providing shortcuts to those realms for those who visit the Vale. Achaekek also keeps dens on other planes, including in Hell’s Avernus, and cracks in these dens are believed to allow the god to travel freely between them.[1]


As a deity granted special dispensation to work his will on the Material Plane, Achaekek does not keep many particular allies or favored minions, although his herald, Zyrruthys, is known to often speak for the god.

Zyrruthys (herald of Achaekek): Zyrruthys is a highly intelligent, enormous mantis, a crimson monstrosity often mistaken for Achaekek when he appears to wreak havoc on infidels. Zyrruthys particularly enjoys the destruction of villages or towns where large numbers of people have blasphemed or simply disrespected the Mantis God, and never asks for additional payment to perform such tasks, whether summoned by the faithful or dispatched by Achaekek.[1]


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