Toth Bhreacher

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Toth Bhreacher
Titles Master
Alignment Neutral
Race/Species Humain
Class Magicien 15
Gender Mâle
Homeland Magnimar, Varisia
Organization Sihedron Council; Golemworks
source The Skinsaw Murders p.61

Master Toth BhreacherModèle:Conflict is the owner and operator of the Golemworks in the Bridgeward district of the of Varisian city of Magnimar.[1] Despite his influential position as head of a large and profitable industry, Toth is most famous for his discoveries in magic. He discovered that the stone blocks of the Irespan were far easier to enchant than normal stone and capitalized on his discovery to expand the Golemworks, which was originally just his personal studio.[2]

Toth Bhreacher (N humain mâle Magicien 15) créateur et responsable des forges de golems de magnimar.[3]
