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A diagram of the Eternal City of Axis.

Axis (pronounced AK-sihs)[1] is a plane in the Outer Sphere dedicated to universal law unmarred by the struggles between good and evil. It takes the shape of a gigantic city, and exists among the planes of the Outer Sphere as a shining example of perfect order and harmony rising out of the churning Maelstrom. Within the plane's golden barrier walls, the streets are perfectly ordered and clean, the buildings appear as paragons of their respective architectural styles from virtually every culture within the Great Beyond, and the natives strive to live in orchestrated harmony.

Of course, some would label the plane's perfection hollow, or its beauty verging on sterility, but given the Eternal City's violent history and perhaps precarious present standing, its gods and outsiders alike dismiss such criticism outright.[2]


According to the Concordance of Rivals, the plane of Axis coalesced around Pharasma's Spire from pure lawful quintessence during the primordial days of creation. For countless ages, Axis existed as a blank slate. The development of mortal civilizations caused the formation of three crystalline shards from the infinite potential of the Maelstrom, which fell onto the empty plain to become the Threefold Pillars of the Axiomite Godmind and leading in turn to the creation of the axiomite race and of the city of Axis itself.Erreur de référence : Balise fermante </ref> manquante pour la balise <ref> made an alliance with the Axis gigas to protect the city. It was the powerful Axis gigas who finally were able to turn the tide against the forces of chaos. After the war, the enormous giants disappeared, but are still said to dwell beneath the cobblestone streets of the city, waiting to defend it again.Erreur de référence : Balise fermante </ref> manquante pour la balise <ref> These borders are guarded vigilantly by Axis' inhabitants, as the Maelstrom's chaos is seen as a greater threat than the evil from the River Styx, whose banks pass by Pharasma's Spire itself.Erreur de référence : Balise fermante </ref> manquante pour la balise <ref> Among the largest of these sub-cities is Aktun, the divine realm of Abadar and a form of capital for Axis itself. Aktun connects to several other districts of Axis, such as the Citadel of Resplendent Clockwork, the realm of the goddess Brigh; beneath Aktun proper lies the underground labyrinth of Duskfathom, where Norgorber rules and resides.Erreur de référence : Balise fermante </ref> manquante pour la balise <ref> Irori and his followers seeking enlightenment live in the Serene Circle,[3] while the clockwork goddess Brigh seeks to invent and innovate in her realm, the Citadel of Resplendent Clockwork.[4] The first and most powerful of the inevitables, the primordial inevitables, are demigods who stand against chaos and entropic threats. They include Jerishall, Kerkamoth, Otolmens, and Valmallos.Erreur de référence : Balise fermante </ref> manquante pour la balise <ref>

It is said that the Argent Gate, the realm-temple of Alseta the goddess of doors, was once a part of Axis, but she took her realm with her and left due to making gods of different alignments uncomfortable as they traveled through Axis. Her temple now freely travels the neutral-ground that is the Astral Plane.[5]


  1. Campaign Setting|246
  2. Modèle:Cite web
  3. Tide of Honor|69
  4. Inner Sea Faiths|32
  5. Inner Sea Faiths|15